Latine | Anglice/Theudisce/Hispanice |
color, colôris;  colôrâre | color/Farbe/color; to color (esp. dark)/färben (bsd. dunkel) /colorear (esp. oscuro) |
âter, âtra, âtrum | dull black/glanzlos schwarz /negro apagado |
niger, nigra, nigrum | glossy black/glänzend schwarz /negro lustroso |
piceus, -a, -um | pitch black/pechschwarz /negro como la pez (pix, picis pitch/Pech/pez) |
furvus, -a, -um | dark, black/dunkel, schwarz /oscuro, negro |
pullus, -a, -um | dark-colored, dark gray /dunkelfarbig, dunkelgrau /moreno, sombrío, oscuro |
viridis, -is, -e | green (most common term) /grün (am gemeinsamsten) /verde (el más común) |
virêns, -ntis | green (some shade of) (also of things growing) /grün (alle Abstufungen) /verdeante, verde (todos matices; esp. vegetales) |
viridulus, -a, -um | green (some shade of) /grün (alle Abstufungen) /verdeante, verde (todos matices) |
prasinus, -a, -um | bright grass green, leek green /lauchgrün/verdegay |
smaragdinus, -a, -um | emerald green/smaragdgrün/ esmeralda |
herbâceus, -a, -um | grass green/grassgrün/de color herbáceo |
olîvâceus, -a, -um | olive green/olivgrün/oliváceo |
venetus, -a, -um | (deep) sea green/meergrün/azulado |
glaucus, -a, -um | (light) sea green (a dull blue-green, passing into graying blue) /graugrün/verdemar, gris verdoso |
perviridis, -is, -e | very green/sehr grün/muy verde |
chlôrînus, -a, -um | chartreuse/hellgrün/verde amarillento |
vireô, -êre, -uî | to be green (of green foliage) /grünen, grün sein /verdecer, verdear, ser verde |
viridêns, -ntis | green (of things growing) /grünend (v. Pflanzen) /verde (de plantas) |
virêscô, -êre | to become green/grün werden /verdecer, verdear, ser verde |
subviridis, -is, -e | greenish/grünlich/verdoso |
caeruleus, -a, -um | sky-blue (esp. of eyes)/himmelblau (bsd. d. Augen)/cerúleo |
subcaeruleus | bluish/bläulich/azulino |
cÿaneus, -a, -um | dark blue/dunkelblau /azul marino, azul cobalto o oscuro |
lîvidus, -a, -um | leaden blue/bleifarbig /azul plomizo, amoratado |
venetus, -a, -um | azure blue/meerfarbig /azulado, azul celeste |
caesius, -a, -um | bluish gray (esp. of eyes); lavender (pale blue, with a slight mixture of gray)/blaugrau (bsd. d. Augen), grauäugig/cerúleo grisáceo (esp. de los ojos) |
violâceus, -a, -um | mauve; violet/violett/violáceo |
purpureus, -a, -um | purple (dull red with a slight dash of blue)/purpurn, rot (in den verschiedensten Nuancen, übh. dunkel)/purpúreo [purpura was originally the name of the shellfish itself, later the name of the dye. This varied according to the shellfish used and the processing applied. The epithet purpureus came to cover various red colors; now it embraces colors between red and violet: purple, scarlet, crimson, rosy red] |
rûfus, -a, -um | red (all shades)/fuchsrot, rothaarig /rojizo, rojo, pelirrojo |
ruber, -bra, -brum | red (common term for any pure red) /rot, gerötet, rotgefärbt /rojo (muy común por todos rojos puros) |
sanguineus, -a, -um | blood red/blutrot /de color rojo sangre, rojo sanguineo |
rutilus, -a, -um | bright red/rötlich, bsd. hochrot, auch goldgelb/carmín, rojo encendido |
cardinâlis, -is, -e | cardinal red/hochrot/purpúreo |
rubidus, -a, -um | dark red/dunkelrot, braunrot /colorado pardusco oscuro |
cerasinus, -a, -um | cherry-red/kirschrot/de color cereza |
coccineus, -a, -um | crimson; deep red; vermilion /scharlachfarben/escarlata, bermellón |
phoenîceus, -a, -um | pure lively red; scarlet/purpurfarben /escarlata, rojo púrpura, rojo violeta |
russus, -a, -um | red, russet; red-haired/hellfleischrot /rojizo marrón |
miniâtus, -a, -um | scarlet; vermilion/zinnoberrot /bermellón |
roseus, -a, -um | pink/rosefarbig, rosig/rosa, rosado |
pûniceus, -a, -um | pink; pure lively red/rosafarben, blassrot; purpurfarben, purpurrot /encarnado, rosa |
subroseus, -a, -um | pinkish/rötlich, blassrosa /(un poquito) rosáceo |
subruber, -bra, -brum | reddish/rötlich/rojizo |
rubellus, -a, -um | reddish/rötlich/rojizo |
subrûfus, -a, -um | reddish/etwas rötlich/rojizo |
rûfulus, -a, -um | reddish (of hair)/rötlich/pelirrojillo |
rubicundus, -a, -um | reddish (of the skin; flushed) /(hoch)rot, rötlich/rubicundo |
rôbîginôsus, -a, -um | rust-colored/rostfarben /de color de herrumbre o de orín |
armeniacus, -a, -um | dull orange (apricot-color) /matt orange, aprikosenfarbig, rotgelb /albaricoque, de color amarillo anaranjado |
fulvus, -a, -um | hazel (light to strong brown); sandy; tan; tawny (dull yellow, with a mixture of gray and brown) brown; strawberry blond (dull yellow to reddish brown: hair, wine, sand, gold, stars, jasper) /rotgelb, rojizo, braungelb; bräunlich; blond/leonado, rojizo, dorado |
cervînus, -a, -um | tawny (darker brown than fulvus), deerskin brown/lohfarben /marrón [< cervus deer/Hirsch/ciervo] |
brunneus, -a, -um | brown (of Germanic origin)/braun (germanischen Ursprungs) /marrón (de origen germánico) |
spâdîx, -îcis | chestnut; strong brown /kastanienbraun/casta?o [< Gr., torn-off branch /abgerissener Zweig/rama arrancada] |
badius, -a, -um | chestnut (of horses only)/ kastanienbraun (nur von Pferden) /casta?o (solo de caballos) |
fuscus, -a, -um | dark brown/scwarzbraun /moreno oscuro |
spâdîceus, -a, -um | bright brown/hellbraun /moreno claro |
gilvus, -a, -um (gilbus) | dun-colored, pale yellow (from almost neutral brownish gray to dull grayish brown; of horses only) /isabellfarbig (nur von Pferden) bayo (solo de caballos), amarillo grisáceo pálido (solo de caballos) |
carneus, -a, -um | flesh-colored/fleischfarbig /de color carne |
aurantius, -a, -um | orange/orangenfarben/naranja |
lûteus, -a, -um | orange; deep yellow (like egg yolk) /goldgelb, rötlich gelb (wie Eigelb) /amarillento, color de fuego, azafrán (como yema de huevo) |
vitellînus, -a, -um | deep yellow (like egg yolk [vitellus]) /goldgelb, rötlich gelb (wie Eidotter [vitellus]) /amarillo azafranado (como yema [vitellus] de huevo) |
flammeus, -a, -um | flame-colored/feuerrotgelb /rojo amarillento encendido, de color de la flama |
electricus, -a, -um | amber/bernsteinfarben/ambarino, de color amarillo anarajado |
citreus, -a, -um | lemon yellow (purest yellow, without any brightness)/zitronengelb /limonado, amarillo (puro, no brillante) |
aureus, -a, -um | golden (of hair)/goldfarbig/áureo, |
aureolus, -a, -um | golden/schön golden/dorado, de color de oro |
flâvus, -a, -um | yellow (commonest term, a pale yellow)/gelb (in allen Abstufungen)/flavo, dorado, amarillo (todos matices) |
flâvidus, -a, -um | yellowish; beige/gelblich; beigefarben/beis, de color marrón amarillento muy claro |
sufflâvus, -a, -um | yellowish (of hair, approaching blond) /hellblond/algo rubio (de pelo) |
râvus, -a, -um | yellowish gray/graugelb, fahl/gris amarillento, leonado |
crêtâceus, -a, -um | dull white (like chalk [crêta]) /kreideweiss [< crêta, Kreide] /blanco sin brillo, blanqueado [como crêta, creda] |
albus, -a, -um | dead white/glanzlos weiss/blanco apagado |
candidus, -a, -um | shiny white/glânzend weiss /blanco brillante |
niveus, -a, -um | snow white (the purest white) /schneeweiss (das reinste Weiss) /blanco como la nieve, níveo, lo blanco más puro |
subalbus, -a, -um | whitish/weisslich/albarizo, blanquecino |
albulus, -a, -um | whitish/weisslich/albarizo, blanquecino |
subalbidus, -a, -um | whitish/weisslich/albarizo, blanquecino |
eburneus, -a, -um (& -nus) | cream-colored/elfenbeinweiss, elfenbeinern/eburneo (de color), blanco como el marfil, blanco amarillento |
argenteus, -a, -um | silvery/silberweiss/blanco grisáceo brillante |
cânus, -a, -um | light gray (esp. hair)/weissgrau (bsd. vom Haar) /cano (esp. de pelo) |
cânô capite esse | to be gray-haired/graue Haare haben /estar canoso |
cânêscô, -uî | to become gray/ergrauen, grau werden /encanecer, ponerse gris o cano |
câneô, cânêre, cânuî | to become light gray/ergrauen, weissgrau werden /estar gris, blanquear |
cinereus, -a, -um | ash-gray/aschgrau/ceniciento [cinis, -eris, ash/Asche/ceniza] |
cânêscêns, -ntis | grayish/gräulich grisáceo |